Slaughter Machine manufacturer & supplier

Selection of cattle slaughtering machine

cattle slaughtering machine

It is also very important to select the type of complete set of cattle slaughtering machine.List the equipment details according to the production scale, including product name, regular model, production capacity, supporting power and price.

What are the selection principles of cattle slaughtering machinery?

1.Matching with production capacity.
The processing capacity, specifications, models and power consumption of the slaughter production line must match the corresponding output. Fully consider the reasonable configuration of processing equipment in each process to ensure that the production capacity of each equipment is balanced with each other.
2.The advanced and economic principles of cattle slaughtering machinery.
While meeting the process technical requirements, considering the reasonable technical and economic indicators, it not only meets the requirements of production, process and meat hygiene, but also has a high performance-to-cost ratio, complete functions, low operation and maintenance costs, and low energy consumption. High processing capacity, long service life, etc., to obtain better economic benefits.
3.Applicability and reliability principle.
In response to changes in local natural, economic, and social conditions, the same production line can achieve as many processes as possible for slaughtering and processing, and have the ability to adjust production. The development prospect is broad, which is conducive to developing domestic and foreign production.

cattle slaughtering machine
cattle slaughtering machine

In addition, the technical requirements for the selection of cattle slaughter machine mainly include the selection of equipment that can meet the technological requirements and processing quality, meet the service life, reliability, reliability, operability, and health and safety requirements of the equipment, and meet the installation and commissioning of the equipment. Technical conditions and maintenance technical service requirements, new technologies and new equipment must be identified to meet the general technical requirements of food equipment, and the cleaning and disinfection lamp devices shall meet the production process requirements.

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